Swine & Swill Party
A gorgeous property featuring a barn with a stage featuring music all evening – can you ask for a better party location than that?
A gorgeous property featuring a barn with a stage featuring music all evening – can you ask for a better party location than that?
“Marriage is the proper remedy. It is the most natural State of Man, and therefore the State in which you are most likely to find solid Happiness.” -Ben Franklin 1745
Race Street Pier overlooking the Ben Franklin Bridge provided the perfect backdrop for this surprise engagement proposal. The anticipation for this shoot was intense…you would have thought I was proposing! I met Nick through a good friend and we chatted all week leading up to this big moment. He was such a romantic and I’m so honored to have the opportunity to photograph the big moment! Congratulations Nick & Sam! Best wishes & happy wedding planning!
You know those days you just wanna eat and hang out all day on the couch? Well, this little guy knows those days…and he wanted it to be this rainy Sunday morning. Thats OK though, that just meant we were able to take our time and get to know each other better. It was a great morning spent with this beautiful family!